Delta NYC Pride Creative

New York City, NY | Madison Square Park - Chelsea | June 22, 2022

Engine Shop Agency ideated a creative campaign to support Delta’s “Pride in Flight,” by designing and producing a Delta branded double decker bus wrap.

Activation: Delta Air Lines is the official partner of New York City Pride as the brand is a supporter of the LGBTQIA+ community and its allies. With over 70 volunteer marchers

The Creative Team also developed a route map for all participants with cohesive creative matching the Delta double decker bus. By using Delta’s creative theme “Pride in Flight”, marchers and Group Leaders were easily able to locate the on-site check-in area. The map also highlighted Delta’s route and dispersal area so marchers could see the routes length.

o 179,429+ impressions made as Delta’s bus was wrapped and released early on the streets

o 5,000+ custom Delta tattoos and sweat bands were distributed during check-in to increase exposure

o Prime coverage on ABC7 live was received by the double decker bus as it passed the main stage

o Overwhelmingly positive post-event survey results and attendee anecdotes, specifically around cultural alignment and excitement for the year ahead

Brand Impact


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